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Review Management

Enhance Your Business Reputation

dot marketing review card

What Is Review Management?

Review management encompasses the comprehensive process of monitoring, engaging with, and strategically responding to reviews left about your business across various online platforms like Google, TripAdvisor, Yelp, and industry specific listing websites. It involves:

Benefits of Effective Review Management:

Enhanced Customer Acquisition

Studies show that 90% of consumers consult online reviews before making a purchase. By managing your reviews, you proactively influence this crucial decision-making process.

Improved Customer Satisfaction

Responding to reviews, both positive and negative, demonstrates your commitment to guest satisfaction and fosters open communication.

Increased Brand Trust & Credibility

Addressing negative reviews with professionalism and showcasing positive feedback builds trust and positions your business favorably.


Studies suggest positive reviews can positively impact local search engine rankings, enhancing online visibility.

engagement logo

Tools To Help Get More Reviews!

There are several tools you can leverage to encourage more online reviews, both free and paid. Here are some options to consider:

Email Marketing

After a positive customer interaction, send a personalized email thanking them for their business and politely requesting a review. You can even include a link directly to your review profile on Google or other relevant platforms.

Website Widgets

Embed a review widget on your website, allowing customers to leave reviews directly on your site. This can be a convenient way to capture feedback.

Social Media

Encourage reviews on social media by posting friendly reminders and asking satisfied customers to share their experiences.

Review Cards

Use one side of your business card to ask for reviews with a link directly to your review profile, utilizing a QR Code to make it even faster.


If you have customers that opted in to receive text messages from you, consider sending a text message to request a review. The best time to do this is right after a successful interaction with the customer.

Paid Review Management Software

These platforms offer a suite of tools to automate review requests, analyze customer sentiment, and manage reviews across multiple platforms.

Don’t Forget to Respond to All Reviews.

Make it easy to leave reviews by including prominent links to your review profiles on your website, email signature, and marketing materials.

Dot Marketing's Review Management Services:

Recognizing the importance of online reviews, Dot Marketing offers a comprehensive review management solution tailored to your specific needs. Our services include:

Targeted Platform Monitoring

Identifying and focusing on platforms relevant to your target audience and business type.

Regular Review Tracking

We actively monitor designated platforms, notifying you of new reviews promptly.

Professional Response Creation

Our team crafts personalized responses to each review, addressing concerns and highlighting positive aspects.

Fake Review Detection & Removal

We implement strategies to identify and report fraudulent reviews, maintaining the integrity of your online reputation.

Integration & Promotion

We help integrate positive reviews onto your website and social media, further amplifying their impact.

Review Management with Dot Marketing

By entrusting your review management to Dot Marketing, you gain a partner dedicated to protecting your online reputation and fostering positive customer experiences. This, in turn, fuels customer acquisition, brand trust, and ultimately, your business growth.

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