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Types of E-Commerce Platforms Available to Small Businesses

  • 10 min read
E-Commerce Platform Showdown

The E-Commerce Platform Showdown

WooCommerce vs Wix vs Shopify vs Square vs Squarespace vs Lightspeed

The dream of launching your own online store is exciting, but wading through the sea of e-commerce platforms can be overwhelming. From user-friendly website builders to powerful, self-hosted solutions, there’s an option for every business need. We dive into six leading platforms: WooCommerce, Wix, Shopify, Square, Squarespace, and Lightspeed. We’ll compare them to help you find the perfect fit for building your online store and turning your vision into reality.

Here's a breakdown of the key differences between the platforms:

Type of Platform:

WooCommerce Logo

WooCommerce is self-hosted (open-source plugin for WordPress)

Wix Logo

Wix is a hosted platform (part of Wix website builder)

Shopify Icon

Shopify is a hosted platform (dedicated e-commerce platform)

Squarespace Icon Logo

Squarespace is a hosted platform (part of Squarespace website builder)

Square Icon

Square is primarily a point-of-sale (POS) system, it offers limited online store features.

Lightspeed Flame Logo

Lightspeed is a hosted platform (dedicated e-commerce platform)

Ease of Use:

Website Designer crafting a new website

Ease of Use:

Website Designer crafting a new website

Who They Suit:

WooCommerce Logo

WooCommerce is perfect for technically savvy users who want a highly customizable and scalable store at a lower upfront cost.

Wix Logo

Wix is good for beginners who prioritize ease of use and beautiful design templates, suitable for smaller stores.

Shopify Icon

Shopify helps users who want a user-friendly platform with a wide range of features and good scalability.

Squarespace Icon Logo

Squarespace is good for beginners who prioritize ease of use and beautiful design templates, suitable for smaller stores.

Square Icon

Sqaure works for businesses that primarily operate in person and want a simple online store solution. It's primarily a POS system. For a full-fledged online store, consider other platforms with more features.

Lightspeed Flame Logo

Lightspeed is considered a good fit for medium to large businesses due to its robust features and scalability.


Woman making an online payment with a credit card


Woman making an online payment with a credit card


WooCommerce Logo

WooCommerce is highly scalable for large stores and high traffic.

Wix Logo

Wix can scale to a moderate extent, but may struggle with very large stores.

Shopify Icon

Shopify is highly scalable for large stores and high traffic.

Squarespace Icon Logo

Squarespace can scale to a moderate extent, but may struggle with very large stores.

Square Icon

Square has limited scalability for online stores.

Lightspeed Flame Logo

Lightspeed is highly scalable for large stores and high traffic.


WooCommerce Logo

WooCommerce is the most customizable with themes and plugins.

Wix Logo

Wix has limited customization compared to others.

Shopify Icon

Shopify offers a good range of themes and apps, but is less flexible than WooCommerce.

Squarespace Icon Logo

Squarespace has limited customization compared to others.

Square Icon

Square has very limited customization options for online stores.

Lightspeed Flame Logo

Lightspeed offers a good range of themes and apps, but is less flexible than WooCommerce.


WooCommerce Logo

It's Your responsibility to keep WordPress and plugins updated and implement security measures.

Wix Logo

Wix platforms handle security on their end.

Shopify Icon

Shopify handles platform security on their end.

Squarespace Icon Logo

Squarespace platforms handle security on their end.

Square Icon

Responsibility falls on the Square user to maintain strong password hygiene, enable two-factor authentication, and keep software updated.​

Lightspeed Flame Logo

Lightspeed handles security on their end.

Marketing & SEO:

Professional website builder creating a new website

Marketing & SEO:

Professional website builder creating a new website

By considering these factors and your specific needs (budget, technical skills, desired features, scalability), you can narrow down your options and choose the platform that best suits your e-commerce goals.

If you need an experienced partner to help your business grow and implement the right e-commerce solutions to do so, reach out to us at Dot Marketing and we can help.