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Asking Customer For Reviews

  • 3 min read

Are You Successfully Asking For Reviews?

You know reviews are important, but asking customers to leave a review can be a big task, especially if you don’t have a plan in place.

Businesses outside of the food and hospitality industry can struggle to get positive reviews. Most consumers don’t think about reviewing businesses that they deal with on a daily basis, unless they have a bad experience. 70% of adults will write a review if asked, but only about 10% are in the habit of writing reviews.

So how should you ask for a review? Are you better to ask in person? Via email or text message? Perhaps to use a paper handout?

While there are many options, here are some of the best places to ask for a review.

  1. In Person: Asking your customer is incredibly effective, especially if you have spent a lot of time with the customer. Asking in person can get you seven to eight times more reviews than asking via email.
  2. Website Copy: The easiest place to ask for reviews is on your website. Having a simple graphic could boost your numbers significantly.
  3. Thank-You Pages: Providing a customer an invite after they purchase something from your online store is an excellent place to ask for a review. It can be especially effective when reaching repeat customers who have experience with your products.
  4. Email: This the most effective forms of business-to-consumer prompts for content/review submissions. Consider setting up an automated email asking for a review of your product or service.
  5. Social Media Posts: These platforms provide a place to promote your incentives and ask for reviews from customers. It’s also great place to share your reviews and customer content to motivate more people to participate.
  6. Text Messages: Texting is a great way to ask for a review. Your texts can link directly to the page that you’re using to collect submissions.
The next thing you want to look at is, what do you want to say? Questions have proven to be effective for increasing open rates. Especially when you take it a step further and personalize it. Some questions you could ask are:
  • How was experience with [company]?
  • Would you take a minute to leave us a review?
  • What do you think?

One key to getting more reviews is letting your customer know how much online reviews can be helpful to your business. If they had a great experience with you it gives them additional incentive to help you out. Be sure to include a clear call to action link and keep the purpose of the communication on the singular goal. Do not overwhelm them with additional links to social media or your website.

Want to see how our review process works?