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Do You Have A Strong Brand?

  • 1 min read

Developing a strong brand identity for your business is an extremely important factor in its success. A brand is a specific combination of logo, words, type font, design, colors, personality, price, service, etc. It’s also a bundle of attributes or what people perceive of your business. What kind of personality is your brand expressing? Is your brand friendly, informative, precise, or playful?

Here is a short list of steps to develop a brand. If you have a brand, it is a good idea to make sure everyone in your company understands the brand.

  1. Establish who your buyer persona’s are.
  2. Identify your Unique Selling Proposition. Here is where you are trying to identify a unique and original voice to represent the brand.
  3. Create your look, feel, and voice of the brand to be used across marketing channels.
  4. Implement marketing tactics to promote your brand.

Here is a list of items that showcase your brand.

  • Image, Logo, Tagline
  • Publicity & Brand-Related Stories/Articles
  • Events
  • Advertisements
  • Customer Referrals
  • Word-of-Mouth Marketing
  • Brand Signature on all Email Messages
  • Brand-Related Contests
  • Promotional Products
  • Signage
  • Website
  • Digital Marketing

If you need help developing a solid brand, contact Dot Marketing today!