As of 2021, 82% of United States Americans use at least one form of social media. But what does this mean for business owners? We are well aware of the advertising opportunities TV, printed media, and podcasts provide, but social media opens up a much larger opportunity. According to Sprout, 80% of consumers say that having brand familiarity through social media makes them more inclined to purchase from that company.
While we know that social media users feel more comfortable shopping from businesses they see on digital platforms, we should learn who these users are. Finances Online supported the following:

Unsurprisingly, 18-34 year old adults make up over half of total social media users. While this age range might not be your target audience, they will make up a solid percentage of your consumers, so it’s best to take advantage of this large chunk and have some portion of your brand directed at this younger audience.
Now that we have a solid understanding of who is available to us, we should also address the where. When it comes to platforms just because you are active on Facebook doesn’t mean you are tapping into your full social potential. When you aren’t covering multiple social platforms you run the risk of excluding potential customers.
According to Sprout Social we can break down platforms consumers are more inclined to purchase from:

While Facebook is the leader for social commerce, we can see the value of expanding platforms.
Now that we can see who to market to and the best platforms to promote through, we can conclude that adding social media marketing to your company will only increase sales and grow brand awareness.
So whats stopping you from taking the leap and increasing your sales and audience through social media? Not sure where to start? We can help with that.